You Bet We Still Care! (Employer/Employee Survey) (2012)

This project ran from March 2011 to December 2012. Building on the 1999 You Bet I Care! study, the 2012 You Bet We Still Care! survey focused on:

  • Collecting current HR data from employers and employees working in centre-based child care to identify and document workforce characteristics such as educational background, length of employment and overall levels of job satisfaction.
  • Improving recruitment and retention rates and workplace stability.

Outputs from this project include the You Bet We Still Care! Highlights Report and a companion Powerpoint presentation with speaking notes, which is available as a read-only Powerpoint file or a PDF download. The You Bet We Still Care! data set will be housed at York University's Institute for Social Research and will be made publicly available in April 2014. 


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Despite the dissolution of the CCHRSC it is hoped that the CCHRSC`s research and tools will continue to be widely used to advance human resources issues in the sector. In turn, all organizations and individuals conducting research and/or offering ECE training, professional development, and other workforce development initiatives are authorized to download, copy, and distribute CCHRSC documents as needed, provided no fees are charged to end users and provided appropriate acknowledgements are made. Organizations and individuals are not authorized to download, copy, and distribute CCHRSC materials for profit. Any person or organization requiring clarification or consent to the use of such material should contact the CCHRSC Trust 

March 2011 to December 2012